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No-Fault Analysis Published in Wayne Law Review


NTC's Kaitlyn Cramer is the co-author of a published article in Spring 2018 edition of the Wayne Law Review, “No-Fault Litigation in a Post-Covenant Era.”

The Spring 2018 edition of the Review is a Survey of the past year’s developments in several areas of law, and Kaitlyn was asked to contribute her expertise on the areas of No-Fault and general liability litigation. The article therefore provides comprehensive legal analysis of several of the Michigan Court of Appeals and Supreme Court’s landmark decisions in the past year, including the seminal cases of Covenant Medical Center v State Farm Mutual Ins. Co. and Bazzi v Sentinel Ins. Co.

Kaitlyn was honored to contribute to the Survey, as she is a proud alumnus of the Wayne Law Review, serving as its Symposium Editor while attending law school at Wayne State University.

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